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How to Send Books

Do you have a book that you want to send by post? It’s an easy process, but there are some steps involved. Check out this article for all the information you need!

Wrap the book

The first step is to make sure the book isn’t bumping around inside the package. Wrap it in a layer or two of bubble wrap, then put that into a sturdy box. Make sure there are no gaps between the wrapping and the edge of the box. If you’re sending multiple books, this part can be easier with another person’s help.

Fill the space in the box

Once the book is wrapped and secure, fill any remaining space in the box with packing peanuts or crumpled paper. This will help to prevent the book from moving around and getting damaged.

Seal the package

Finally, seal up the package well with packing tape. Make sure there are no loose corners or edges that could cause the book to be damaged in transit.

And you’re done! Sending a book by post is easy once you know how. Just follow these simple steps, and your gift will be on its way in no time. Happy reading!

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